May 2024: Our article on Non-asymptotic tests for covariance matrix rank (written with Patricia Reynaud-Bouret and Adeline Samson) was accepted for a publication in "Stochastic Processes and Applications". It is available online here.
April 2024: Our article on Granger causal inference for linear Hawkes processes (written with Irene Tubikanec and Katerina Hlavackova-Schindler) was accepted for a publication in "Journal of Machine Learning Research". It is available online here.
In May 2024 I am co-organising Pint of Science event in Avignon
In March 2024 I am giving a talk on "Elles de la Science" event in Nîmes, France
In February 2024 I am giving a talk on ANR ChaMaNe Meeting in Nice, France
In January 2024 I am on 2 weeks research stay in University of Klagenfurt, Austria (invited by Irene Tubikanec).
In September 2023 our lab welcomes Irene Tubikanec (PostDoc in University of Klagenfurt, Austria) for a 2-weeks research stay
In July 2023 our article on non-asymptotic tests for the dimension of a covariance matrix rank (written with Patricia Reynaud-Bouret and Adeline Samson) was submitted for a review.
In June 2023 I was in the organizing committee for Rencontres R, the biggest French-speaking conference on R programming language.
In May 2023 I have obtained funding from FR Agorantic on the project for "Federated Learning for heterogeneous data" (jointly with Rachid Elazouzi and Pierre-Henri Morand)
In May 2023 I was giving a talk on Statistics for Neurosciences on Pint of Science event in Avignon.
In December 2022, I was giving a talk at the seminar of Probability and Statistics team of Université de Lorraine (Nancy)
In October 2022 I was giving a talk at Journées MathBioSanté in Besançon.
In August 2022 I was on one week research stay in Linz, Austria (invited by Irene Tubikanec).
In June 2022 I was in the organizing committee for Journées de Statistiques du Sud, statistical conference organized for researchers in the south of France